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Manage Diabetes with Diet

Kamis, 12 Maret 2009 |

If some is suffering from diabetes, it means that his body cannot produce insulin in normal fashion. As a result, it increases the glucose level in the blood. Switching to healthy diabetic diet plan can be of help at this time. Planning for an appropriate diet is a crucial part of your treatment journey, because it can manage the level of glucose in your blood.

Sensible selections of food along with healthy and disciplined lifestyle are the two key success points of diabetic treatment. A healthy diabetic diet plan must include six essential factors such as restricting consumption for sweet products, frequent eating, attentive towards carbohydrate consumption, consume plenty amount of whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables, eating low-fat products, restriction in alcohol consumption.

Diabetic Diet

If you are having diabetes, it doesn't mean that you should start eating special foods or depend on only strict diabetic diet plan. In most of the case, it is simply switching to a variety of foods in moderate amounts but following a fixed timing.

You should not follow a complicated diabetic diet plan, rather your diet should comprise with a wise selection of nutrients and low in calorie and fatty contents. There are two essential factors that you must not forget while preparing your diet plan. One is eating foods at regular time every day and the second point is the selection of healthy food in right amounts.

Carbohydrate counting is a crucial part for healthy diet plan, especially if you are on insulin medication. In fact, fat and protein counting is not as important as carbohydrate counting is. But that doesn't mean you should not be careful enough about the fat or protein intake. High calorie and high fat always increase the risk of various health complications including cardiac problems, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Diabetic Diet and Sweets Consumption

The fact says if you are suffering from diabetes, all your near and dear ones continuously warn you not to have sweets in your diet. Contrary to popular belief, scientific studies confirmed that sweets may not produce any harm if it can be used in a balanced amount in the meal plan. Although, different sweets affect blood sugar level in a varied fashion, but the total carbohydrate count matters the most. If you consider a small amount of sweets in your overall diabetic diet plan, it will not harm your health.

Vegetarian Diet

Some people believe that switching to a vegetarian diet may cure their diabetes problem, but it is not totally correct. Well, it can be managed well with vegetarian diet compared to a non-vegetarian one. In that sense, vegetarian diet can be a wise inclusion to diabetic diet plan.

There is no hard-and-fast rule for preparing a vegetarian diet plan. Vegan diet is the austere form of vegetarian diet. Vegans typically do not feed themselves on any sort of animal products such as dairy and egg. However, other vegetarians can eat these products.

An austere vegan diet comprises of almost no-cholesterol content in it. It also contains low saturated fat. It is mostly prepared with a generous selection of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. These food products are essentially high in fiber. Typically, a vegetarian diet offers lesser calories than non-vegetarian one. So it is beneficial for diabetic patients.

Vegetarian diet is an effective choice in diabetic diet plan because of its weight loss ability which significantly benefits people with type-II diabetes. Some scientific studies confirmed that vegetarian diet can make the body more receptive to insulin.

Vegetarian diet can not cure diabetes, but of course it can alleviate various diabetes-related symptoms including cardiovascular disease and kidney problems. But, obviously this is profoundly dependent on the selection of food.

If you have diabetes and you are planning to change your diet to a vegetarian one, you should consult your dietician. The dietician can guide you for the best selection of diabetic diet plan suitable to your health system

Why Your Diet May Not Be As Rich In Iodine As You Assume?


The trace mineral iodine is well known for its crucial role in enabling the body's manufacture of vital thyroid hormones, but it is also important for the health of the immune system and for optimal brain function. It is widely believed by many authorities that iodine deficiency should never be seen in the affluent West, although this problem affects millions throughout the developed world.

Some nutritionists argue, however, that this conventional view is too optimistic, because the content of all minerals in foods is heavily dependent on the mineral content of the soil from which those foods are derived. The assumption must therefore be that the continuing de-mineralisation of farm soils has led to a reduction in the amount of dietary iodine commonly consumed.

Fish and other seafood, however, remain a relatively rich source because these ocean creatures concentrate the sea's iodine in their flesh. Though not commonly eaten in the West, seaweed, or kelp, is also an excellent source of iodine for this reason, and is readily available in the form of a dietary supplements. Dairy products and certain meats may also be a good source, particularly where iodine is routinely added to farm animal feed. But in countries, including most of Western Europe, where animals are grazing fields growing on iodine depleted soils, levels are likely to be much lower.

So even in the West, those not including fish or seafood in their diets, and not using iodised or sea salt, may be at real risk of deficiency. In an effort to compensate for low levels of dietary iodine, the mineral has been routinely added to ordinary table salt in the US for many years. But the practice is not as common in the UK and other European countries, where specially iodised or natural "sea-salt" has been marketed more as a luxury alternative. The problem of insufficient dietary iodine has been compounded on both sides of the Atlantic, however, by increasing concern about the possible adverse health consequences, particularly high blood pressure, of excessive salt intake. Many nutritionists, however, regard these fears as exaggerated, and believe that any such potential problems are far less serious than the consequences of an insufficiency of iodine, and may be easily resolved by the use of the low sodium salt alternatives available.

Iodine, however, cannot in any case be regarded as a luxury. Its essential function lies in the production of the vital thyroid hormones; thyroxine, sometimes known as T4, and tri-iodothyronine, or T3. And as is well known, these hormones are crucially important in ensuring a healthy metabolic rate and the release of energy from food; so an underactive thyroid gland is commonly the villain in cases of excessive weight gain, particularly where this of sudden onset, and in cases of difficulty in losing weight even when following a sensible reducing programme. A healthy thyroid gland is also crucial for the optimal functioning of the immune system.

But perhaps even more importantly, iodine deficiency is also known as a major cause of avoidable brain damage; a problem which the World Health Organisation has estimated to affect an astonishing 50 million people worldwide. Sadly, many of these cases occur in children whose mothers were iodine deficient in pregnancy, resulting in a condition of severely retarded brain development known as congenital hypothyroidism, or "cretinism". Even where such catastrophic consequences are avoided, iodine deficiency in childhood may also have serious effects on the developing brain, leading to low energy and motivation for learning, and measurable impairment of IQ scores.

Since 2001 the Food and Nutrition Board of the US Institute of Medicine (FNB) has prescribed a Recommended Dietary Allowance for iodine of 150 mcg for all individuals over 14, rising to 220 mcg for pregnant women and 290 mcg for those breastfeeding. Somewhat confusingly, however, an excessive consumption of iodine is also associated with a malfunctioning or enlargement of the thyroid gland, as well as mouth ulcers, headaches and gastric upsets, and the FNB therefore advises an upper safe limit for daily iodine consumption of 1,100 mcg for adults. Most people eating a conventional Western diet are unlikely to exceed this level.

With the possible exception of pregnant and breastfeeding women, people in the West who use liberal quantities of iodised salt as a regular seasoning are unlikely to need further supplements. But many commercial multi-mineral preparations contain iodine in reasonable quantities, usually in the form of potassium iodide, and whilst not perhaps strictly necessary, such supplementary doses will do no harm and may be regarded as a useful insurance policy given that, like all minerals needed by the body, iodine functions best in the presence of adequate supplies of all the others. And it should be particularly noted in this context that the effects of any deficiency of iodine may be intensified by any deficiency of selenium, iron or vitamin A.

What is the French for Diet


France is well known as a nation of food lovers, so even the French are susceptible to the obesity syndrome. However, there are many people, especially women, who have bucked the trend and remain to be slim. Some French woman can eat all manner of delicious foods, indulge in wine and yet still stay trim and beautiful. What's their secret?

It would appear the French Diet is very appealing as there are no restrictions on carbohydrates or fat and no calorie counting, just good quality food eaten in moderation. The key here is quality and not quantity.

Their diet contains all fresh whole foods and they avoid processed foods, junk or fast foods, and sugary drinks. The French are passionate about cooking, so when cooking for themselves or friends, they will go to great lengths to seek out the freshest produce and ingredients for their meal. This is typically done on foot by walking around the farmers' markets, boulangeries and fromageries, all the time burning calories and contributing even more to a healthy lifestyle.

It's important to point out that French portions are a fraction of the size of those in the United States. So, while a French woman would be happy to unhurriedly savour a small plate of delicious quality food, others would rather wolf down a double helping, which is very often inferior quality.

The French tend to eat consciously and slowly, making sure they savour each and every mouthful. The psychology is by stopping to enjoy your meal, you will feel satisfied faster and will not tend to over eat. If you relax while eating, your body will metabolise food more efficiently, whereas hurriedly eating your food will lead your body to secrete Cortisol, which is steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex as part of the body's response to stress.

French woman also drink plenty of water too. A good point to remember is, as well as prolonging your life and keeping your internal organs (liver, kidneys etc) clean and healthy, water will speed up your metabolism and aid weight loss.

The French Diet

With the French diet, you can eat unprocessed meat, fish, poultry, grains, bread, dairy products, vegetables and fruit. A varied diet is essential, as each food contains different vitamins and minerals necessary for long term health. The only conditions are on the size of the portions.

Other foods that are allowed include, croissants, pastries and baguettes. Did you know that a French croissant weighs in at just 1 ounce!

Real cheese is fine but processed cheese is definitely out. As you may be aware, the French regularly enjoy a glass of wine, especially at meal times. Red wine is packed with antioxidants and has recently been proven to be good for the heart. The French have a low incidence of heart disease and many cite red wine as the reason. However this should be restricted to 1 or 2 glasses a day.

Lastly, the French love fresh fruit and vegetables, and there are no restrictions on these. That's because they are low in calories and nutritionally dense. They also use heart healthy Olive Oil for cooking and dressings, rather than artery-clogging hydrogenated cooking oils.

So, it would appear that the "French Diet" isn't really a diet in the traditional sense, instead it's much more of a lifestyle. The only drawback in this hectic age in which we live, is finding the time to eat a meal slowly and in a relaxed state.

Is the Zone Diet for You


Is the Zone Diet just another fad? Well, it's currently the favourite diet of the celebrities including Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt and many other well-known faces from the world of film and theatre. So what is all the fuss about?

The Zone Diet was created by Dr. Barry Sears, and is based around the consumption of correct ratios of food groups. In theory, by regulating your insulin levels, you keep your body's metabolism performing at its optimum level and the weight just falls off! Well, whatever the theory is, it seems to be working for some people so let's take a closer look at what this diet entails.

The Zone Diet

Our bodies are not fundamentally geared up to process "junk food" very well, and that's one reason why it's considered harmful to us. Although we live in a fast-paced modern age, our body structure is based on a very old design, which goes back to prehistoric times. Our bodies expect to be fed foods like lean protein and natural carbohydrates, which is exactly the foods that our ancestors would have eaten.

The theory behind the Zone Diet is if we adhere to the correct ratios of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that our body needs, we will help the body to regulate the levels of insulin. Keeping insulin at the right levels will help speed up the body's metabolism, and the result is, you lose weight. All you are actually doing is feeding the body exactly what it was designed to expect.

The ratio of food groups is: 40% Carbohydrates, 30% Fat and 30% Protein. So, each meal is based on a calculation.

Creating a Zone Diet meal can be a little tricky, as the ingredients have to be measured precisely. Food groups are classified into 'blocks' and then further classified into 'mini-blocks'. A typical meal might consist of one block of Carbohydrates, but this may be broken down further into three mini-blocks, which might comprise 1 cup of green beans, 2 cups of yellow squash and 1 glass of red wine.

The Zone Diet also allows for 2 snacks a day and the occasional glass of wine, calorific intake tends to be much lower when on the diet. In that respect it is more restrictive than other measured diets such as the South Beach Diet.

So, what are the benefits of the Zone Diet?

---Dieters tend to get all the nutrients they need, as all fruits and vegetables are okay to eat. Smaller portion sizes will also help to build a healthier lifestyle and maintain weight loss.

---Cravings for carbohydrates tend to disappear after a few days as the body adjusts to the new high protein diet.

---The concentration on lean proteins and "good cholesterol" is healthy for your heart.

---Weight loss on The Zone Diet can be very rapid! It is essentially a low-carb, low-calorie diet and can give great results in a short period of time.

The not so beneficial aspects are…

---Essentially, the Zone Diet should be considered as a short term weight loss remedy.

---Coming off the diet can result in putting the weight back on very fast if dieters return to their previous eating habits.

---The diet can work out to be quite expensive. Creating Zone meals requires buying special cookbooks and other materials.

---The Zone Diet can be time-consuming, as food preparation is sometimes a complicated process! It is therefore not practical for some people.

Why Weight Loss Pills Are Ineffective For You


You just bought a nighttime and daytime formula of weight loss pills. You have been taking them for … months. Lets face it, this weight is not falling off your body and you got to wonder why this is taking so long. It’s obvious there is some kind of problem here with your weight loss program. Maybe pills aren’t the answer?

Dr. Berneathy has some rather unexpected statistics on the subject of weight gain. He mentions in his talks that the body will be almost immune to weight loss pills because of one simple reason. The body has to detoxify. Your body has to get rid of all of the junk and garbage that you put into it through eating fast foods, non-foods, and harmful substances that clog up your system.

What Is Detoxification?

Being overweight and suffering from obesity are becoming all too common these days. This carries a huge load of negatives such as health risks and illness. It is for this reason you must detoxify your body.

That means getting rid of anything that’s man made. I would scrap any product that had artificial sweetners, additives, artificial coloring and preservatives in it.

I would get my hands on a green drink too ASAP. I found some liquid chlorophyll in my health food store a few months back and I liked it. I made a drink out of that with some purified water. I found this naturally uplifting and it put my body in check. My pH level increased to a deep rich green color, (yes I use the testing strips) in a matter of a few days.

You will notice some differences when you start to clean your body out. My sweat didn’t stink anymore and I had no foul odors. This sanitized my body from the inside out. I started to notice real change too in how I approached food once I was cleaned out. I didn’t have cravings for things that I thought I would miss. In fact, I had gotten so wound up in my work that I would forget to eat breakfast AND lunch. I am not suggesting that you do this but my energy level soared through the roof.

It was after I had experienced this body cleansing that I decided to do something with my exercise program and the foods I ate. I wanted to reach higher levels of this type of living. I learned one thing that Spring and that was detoxification is the key to a better life.

Getting back to the Weight Loss pills for a moment. The marketing pitch for a lot of these products claim that you can eat whatever you want and still lose the weight. The foods they show in their ads include pizza, chocolate, cake and pies. Good grief.

If you are going to detoxify yourself then make sure the foods you eat are good foods and not junk foods. There is no point in going back to a “fried chicken diet” or a “chocoholic overload diet”. If you are going to start taking care of your body and are willing to go all the way we got some good news for you.

The weight will start to come off of you after you detoxify.

Lets Get Back To Basics

So does that mean you can do all of this with diet pills? Perhaps but if you do not have the right fundamentals of weight loss and how your body reacts to certain foods you could be on the never ending rollercoaster. It is no wonder why so many diets fail when they hit the market. You need to know what combinations of food are good for you and which ones aren’t.

To learn more about detoxification and how it affects weight loss you need a coach.

Manage Diabetes with Diet


If some is suffering from diabetes, it means that his body cannot produce insulin in normal fashion. As a result, it increases the glucose level in the blood. Switching to healthy diabetic diet plan can be of help at this time. Planning for an appropriate diet is a crucial part of your treatment journey, because it can manage the level of glucose in your blood.

Sensible selections of food along with healthy and disciplined lifestyle are the two key success points of diabetic treatment. A healthy diabetic diet plan must include six essential factors such as restricting consumption for sweet products, frequent eating, attentive towards carbohydrate consumption, consume plenty amount of whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables, eating low-fat products, restriction in alcohol consumption.

Diabetic Diet

If you are having diabetes, it doesn't mean that you should start eating special foods or depend on only strict diabetic diet plan. In most of the case, it is simply switching to a variety of foods in moderate amounts but following a fixed timing.

You should not follow a complicated diabetic diet plan, rather your diet should comprise with a wise selection of nutrients and low in calorie and fatty contents. There are two essential factors that you must not forget while preparing your diet plan. One is eating foods at regular time every day and the second point is the selection of healthy food in right amounts.

Carbohydrate counting is a crucial part for healthy diet plan, especially if you are on insulin medication. In fact, fat and protein counting is not as important as carbohydrate counting is. But that doesn't mean you should not be careful enough about the fat or protein intake. High calorie and high fat always increase the risk of various health complications including cardiac problems, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Diabetic Diet and Sweets Consumption

The fact says if you are suffering from diabetes, all your near and dear ones continuously warn you not to have sweets in your diet. Contrary to popular belief, scientific studies confirmed that sweets may not produce any harm if it can be used in a balanced amount in the meal plan. Although, different sweets affect blood sugar level in a varied fashion, but the total carbohydrate count matters the most. If you consider a small amount of sweets in your overall diabetic diet plan, it will not harm your health.

Vegetarian Diet

Some people believe that switching to a vegetarian diet may cure their diabetes problem, but it is not totally correct. Well, it can be managed well with vegetarian diet compared to a non-vegetarian one. In that sense, vegetarian diet can be a wise inclusion to diabetic diet plan.

There is no hard-and-fast rule for preparing a vegetarian diet plan. Vegan diet is the austere form of vegetarian diet. Vegans typically do not feed themselves on any sort of animal products such as dairy and egg. However, other vegetarians can eat these products.

An austere vegan diet comprises of almost no-cholesterol content in it. It also contains low saturated fat. It is mostly prepared with a generous selection of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. These food products are essentially high in fiber. Typically, a vegetarian diet offers lesser calories than non-vegetarian one. So it is beneficial for diabetic patients.

Vegetarian diet is an effective choice in diabetic diet plan because of its weight loss ability which significantly benefits people with type-II diabetes. Some scientific studies confirmed that vegetarian diet can make the body more receptive to insulin.

Vegetarian diet can not cure diabetes, but of course it can alleviate various diabetes-related symptoms including cardiovascular disease and kidney problems. But, obviously this is profoundly dependent on the selection of food.

If you have diabetes and you are planning to change your diet to a vegetarian one, you should consult your dietician. The dietician can guide you for the best selection of diabetic diet plan suitable to your health system

Feline Diabetes


Diabetes in Cats

Diabetes mellitus ("sugar" diabetes) is a complex and common endocrine disorder in the cat. It is caused either by insufficient production of the hormone, insulin, by the pancreas (type 1 diabetes) or by inadequate response of the body's cells to insulin (type 2 diabetes).

Because diabetic cats are not able to utilize glucose properly, they ultimately develop hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) and subsequent glucosuria (sugar in the urine).

The glucosuria leads to polyuria (excessive urination) and polydipsia (excessive thirst). In spite of maintaining a good appetite, diabetic cats lose weight because the body's tissues are unable to utilize glucose properly.

Progression of the disease ultimately leads to further metabolic disturbances and causes vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, and dehydration.

Although affecting cats of any breed, sex, or age, diabetes mellitus most often occurs in older, obese individuals; males are more commonly afflicted than females.

The exact cause of the disease in cats is not known, although genetic predisposition, obesity, pancreatic disease, hormonal imbalances, and certain medications have all been incriminated.

After a period of time, a small percentage of diabetic cats lose their requirement for specific therapy with either insulin or hypoglycemic medications.

Signs of Diabetes Mellitus

Polyuria, polydipsia, increased appetite, and weight loss are hallmark signs of diabetes mellitus in cats. In the earlier stages of the disease, cats remain active and alert with few other signs of disease. However as the disease progresses, poor skin and haircoat, liver disease, and secondary bacterial infections become more common.

An infrequent disorder called diabetic neuropathy may cause cats to become progressively weaker in the rear legs and assume a unique, plantigrade stance. A dangerous condition called ketoacidosis may develop in some cats. Signs of ketoacidosis include a loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, dehydration, and breathing abnormalities.

Without proper and prompt treatment, this condition ultimately proves fatal.


Diabetes mellitus is diagnosed based on the cat's clinical signs, physical examination findings, laboratory test results, and the persistent presence of abnormally high amounts of sugar in the blood and urine.


Proper treatment of diabetes mellitus is based on the severity of the disorder. Cats with ketoacidosis require intensive care.

Treatment includes fluid therapy to correct dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities, and short acting insulin. Diabetic cats that are not ill usually require insulin injections to be given once or twice daily under the skin, and a carefully controlled diet. As an alternative to insulin, treatment with an oral hypoglycemic drug (see below) may be attempted.


Adequate control of most diabetic cats requires long- acting insulin injections to be given once or twice daily.

Each cat responds differently to insulin, so the proper choice of insulin type, dose, and frequency of administration needs to be individually determined.

Selection of the appropriate insulin type, dose, and frequency of administration for an individual diabetic cat is ideally based on 18- to 24-hour blood glucose profiles.

In order to perform a glucose profile, the cat is hospitalized, and following insulin administration, frequent determinations of blood glucose values are made throughout the day. The proper dose of insulin may change with time and may need to be adjusted based on blood glucose profiles, intermittent blood and urine sugar measurements, and response to therapy.

Overdosage of insulin causes hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Signs of this potentially dangerous complication include weakness, listlessness, incoordination, convulsions and coma.

Left untreated, death may result. If hypoglycemia develops, the cat should immediately be offered its normal food if it is able to eat. Alternatively, a tablespoon of Karo syrup should be rubbed on the gums or, if the cat can swallow, given slowly by syringe into the mouth.

Never force fingers, food, or fluids into the mouth of a convulsing or comatose cat. Your veterinarian should be contacted immediately if your cat experiences an episode of hypoglycemia so that further treatment instructions can be given and a modification of insulin administration, if necessary, can be made.

Cats requiring excessively high insulin doses (greater than one to two units of insulin per pound per day) should be evaluated further. Other diseases may be underlying or complicating the diabetes mellitus and as a result, necessitate high insulin dosages.

Problems with insulin injection, poor absorption or too rapid metabolism of insulin, or even insulin overdose are potential causes of an apparently excessive insulin requirement.

Oral Hypoglycemic Medications

Healthy diabetic cats can sometimes be successfully treated with a hypoglycemic medication, glipizide. Glipizide acts by lowering blood glucose, but unlike insulin, it is given orally. Adverse side effects are not common but include vomiting, loss of appetite, and liver damage. If hyperglycemia persists after one or two months of therapy, or if the cat becomes ill or ketoacidotic, glipizide therapy should be discontinued and insulin therapy instituted.


Obese diabetic cats should lose weight gradually, with no more than 3 percent of their body weight lost per week. Your veterinarian will help in tailoring a safe weight-loss program for your cat. High fiber, high complex carbohydrate diets are useful, not only by assisting in weight loss, but by helping to control blood glucose levels after eating.

Underweight diabetic cats should be fed a high fiber diet only after reaching their ideal body weight after being fed a high calorie diet.

Cats receiving insulin once daily should be fed half the daily food requirement at the time of the injection and the remaining half at the time of peak insulin activity (as determined by a blood glucose profile).

If receiving twice daily insulin injections, cats should be fed half the daily ration at each administration. Cats receiving oral hypoglycemic medication should be fed a high fiber diet, but ideally as multiple small meals consumed throughout the day.

Home Care

Topics to be thoroughly discussed with your veterinarian include:

Insulin storage and handling Insulin administration Signs and treatment of hypoglycemia Diet Monitoring at home Prognosis

Managing a diabetic cat requires good communication between you and your veterinarian. A diabetic cat may live many healthy years with owners who are willing to put forth the effort of monitoring the cat's condition daily.

Cats tend to be difficult to maintain on the same regimen for long periods of time, and increases or decreases may need to be made in drug dosages.

Prepared by the American Association of Feline Practitioners and the Cornell Feline Health Center, Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, New York 14853-6401.

The ultimate purpose of the Feline Health Center is to improve the health of cats by developing methods to prevent or cure feline diseases and by providing continuing education to veterinarians and cat owners. Much of that work is made possible by the financial support of friends. ©1996 by Cornell University. All rights reserved. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.

Cookies And Diabetes


In this day and age of high tech I need to stop and wonder what is happening to the population of the U.S. it seems that a large number of its citizens are becoming ill with diabetes.

“According to the American Diabetes Association there are 20.8 million children and adults in the United States, or 7% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 14.6 million have been diagnosed, unfortunately, 6.2 million people (or nearly one-third) are unaware that they have the disease. With so many people affected by diabetes, the American Diabetes Association has compiled diabetes statistics on the impact of the disease and its complications. Based on death certificate data, diabetes contributed to 224,092 deaths in 2002. Studies indicate that diabetes in generally under-reported on death certificates, particularly in the cases of older persons with multiples chronic conditions such as heart disease and hypertension. Because of this, the toll of diabetes is believed to be much higher than officially reported.”

I don’t believe that cookies and baked goods are the culprits for this terrible disease, back in the 50’s and 60’s our parents and grandparents baked cookies on a daily basis and we as children had eaten dozens of cookies almost on a daily basis, there were cookies and milk after school, cookies in your lunch bag, and a snack before bedtime of cookies, we had cookies of every shape and form that anyone can imagine.

During the Christmas and Easter Holidays I went to my grandparents home and usually upon arrival we were offered cookies and milk for the children and cookie and coffee for the adults, during this period in time people would swap cookie recipes like children would swap baseball cards. Now that we are in the 21st Century no one can say that because they are diabetic that they cannot eat cookies, with all the new sugar free and diabetic cookie recipes that you can find and all the diabetic cookies on the market no one should say I cannot eat cookies.

Key Tips About A Diet For Diabetes


Diabetes is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease. More and more people are being diagnosed with diabetes and need to learn a proper diet for diabetes to keep their disease under control. Following the right diet is essential to prevent serious complications.

A diet for diabetes focuses on maintaining a proper intake of foods with a special concentration on the amount of carbohydrates consumed. The reason for the focus on carbohydrates is that carbohydrates make your blood glucose levels go up.

Most often a doctor will give a patient a diet for diabetes to follow based upon their particular type of diabetes and glucose level. There is a general diet, that usually is fine as a starting point for diabetic patients.

This diet is also recommended for people who may be at risk for developing diabetes. It can help prevent or slow down the onset ofdisease.

In general, a diet for diabetes mainly involves portion control and eating from all the food groups. It also focuses on limiting sweets and fats.

It also stresses that you should eat meals and snacks around the same time each day. Doing so helps your body to keep your blood glucose levels stable.

A good diet for diabetes consists of breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks daily. The food pyramid guidelines should be followed.

This includes: 3-5 servings of vegetables, 6-11 servings of grains, 2-4 servings of fruit, 2-3 servings of meat and 2-3 servings of dairy. It is important to remember to keep fats and sugars down.

Eating lean meats and low fat dairy will help. The servings from each food group ought to be spread out throughout the day. And, it is best to not eat too many carbohydrates at one time.

The best advice a person can get when planning a diet for diabetes is to pay attention to your body. A diabetic will be able to tell when they are not eating correctly.

Because their body will give them signs, like tiredness or excitability. If a diabetic begins to feel bad, they can adjust their diet.

Most often your body will give you clues to let you know you should eat something or something you ate was not good. Being aware is just as important as the diet itself.

While there is no one diet for diabetes, these general guidelines should be followed. Some people are capable of designing their own diet, while others may need extra help from your doctor.

The entire idea of a diet for diabetes is to prevent spikes or dips in blood glucose levels. By keeping your diet under control you ought to be able to maintain good health.

By following a consistent diet and listening to your body, a diabetic can maintain their health without needing to be overly concerned by their diet. After a while following a diabetic diet becomes second nature and the person will no longer have to think much about what they are eating.

Coping with Diabetes


Every day, in the United States, more than 2000 new cases of diabetes are diagnosed. Type II diabetes, the most prevalent form of diabetes worldwide, often shows few or even no symptoms!

After eating, food is broken down into what is known as glucose, a sugar carried by the blood to cells throughout the body. Using a hormone known as insulin, made in the pancreas, cells process glucose into energy.

Because cells in the muscles, liver, and fat do not use insulin properly in the body of a person with type II diabetes, they have problems converting food into energy. Eventually, the pancreas cannot make enough insulin for the body's needs. The amount of glucose in the body increases, and the cells are starved of energy.

This starvation of the cells, paired with the high blood glucose level can damage nerves and blood vessels. This leads to complications such as kidney disease, nerve problems, blindness, and heart ailments.

There are a lot of factors that can help to attribute to diabetes cases - lifestyle, environment, heredity - and those who are at risk should be screened regularly to prevent diabetes. Those that are already diagnosed with diabetes should aim to keep their glucose level under control.

But how do you know if you have type II diabetes? After all, it has few symptoms, often no symptoms in some patients. However, if you notice an increased thirst or hunger, a change in weight, or blurred vision, getting tested for type II diabetes is necessary, as only your doctor will be able to help you find the treatment steps necessary to being able to manage your life with diabetes.

Simple changes such as eating right, managing your weight, and keeping your blood sugar level under control may be enough. However, you doctor may prescribe diabetes-regulating medications to assist you in controlling your type II diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious ailment with extreme consequences if it isn't treated properly. But if you follow your doctor's advice and maintain both your lifestyle and blood sugar levels, you can help to prevent the more serious consequences from occurring.

This article is for information purposes only and is not meant to treat, diagnose or prevent any ailment or disease. See your physician for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Natural Ways To Treat Diabetes


Diabetes is a disease caused when the body does not properly produce insulin. Seven percent of the population in the United States has diabetes. There are two types of the disease. Type one diabetes is where the body does not produce insulin and type two is where the body resists insulin. The majority of people diagnosed with this disease have type two. Symptoms of diabetes include extreme thirst, hazy vision, excessive hunger, weight fluctuation, fatigue and frequent urination. Diabetes is often controlled with insulin and prescription drugs, but diet and exercise play a large part in the ability to control the disease. There are also herbs that can help reduce the effects of diabetes.

Ensure a healthy diet by concentrating on foods such as vegetables, grains, fiber and legumes. These foods will help regulate sugar in the blood stream. Avoid junk food and foods that contain sugar such as cakes, cookies and other sweets. Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine should also be avoided to maintain a nourishing diet.

Exercise helps promote good health and combats against the negative effects of diabetes. It is important to exercise regularly and keep an appropriate weight. People who are inactive or overweight have a higher risk factor for diabetes and are prone to suffer from more side effects caused by the disease. It is especially important to exercise to build muscle. Starting a weight program will increase muscle mass which will increase sensitivity to insulin.

There are many herbal remedies recognized for their therapeutic properties of treating diabetes. They are commonly found in pharmacies and grocery stores and can be a great natural remedy. Prickly pear cactus has shown positive results in the treatment of this disease and was recently recognized by the International Diabetes Center as a viable natural remedy. Bitter Melon has been used for years in Asia, Africa and South America for treatment. Garlic will reduce sugar levels and is a healthy way to add flavor to food while benefiting from its curative traits. Other common herbs are ginseng, psyllium, fenugreek, bilberry, dandelion and burdock.

Vitamin supplements are frequently used to help treat diabetes with the most commonly recommended ones being vitamins B6, C and E. Also, zinc, selenium, alpha lipoic acid, chromium and vanadium are commonly used. Rather than take individual supplements, some patients opt for a multivitamin to add to their diet.

Diabetes is a disease that affects a large portion of the population. The risks associated with it are serious but can be controlled with lifestyle change. Ensuring a well balanced diet and good exercise routine will help in preventing side effects. Also, proper use of herbs, vitamins and natural remedies will help prevent the necessity for more traditional means of medication.

Diabetes and Your Eyesight


What does diabetes mean to a common man? Sugar? But it’s not that simple. Diabetes is a multi-organ disease that affects almost all parts of the body simultaneously and eyes are most commonly affected. The side affects of diabetes can be prevented or delayed by being in touch with doctors.

Early diagnosis and treatment goes a long way in preserving good eyesight throughout life. Sometimes, diabetes may be first detected by manifestations in the eye like infections, boils, styes, recurrent redness, mild haziness of vision, double vision, frequent change of glasses for reading, difficulty in focusing near or distance, difficulty in driving especially at night, glare etc. as these signs also appear in established diabetic patients. In the presence of these suspicious symptoms or when in doubt it’s wise to have detailed eye testing from a specialist.

The main affect of diabetes on eyes is a matter of concern since it can cause permanent untreatable blindness - diabetic retinopathy. In simple terms it means diabetic affects or deposition on retina of the eye. In early stages diabetic retinopathy many not have any symptom to warn you of it happening inside the eye. This can only be detected by detailed, meticulous examination of the retina. This early detection is only possible by awareness and understanding of the disease, regular eye examination, minimum once a year, unless told otherwise by the eye surgeon, early referrals by diabetologists, endocrinologists, treating physicians and general doctors, all of whom need to get their diabetic patients cleared of diabetic retinopathy, off and on, as they do to rule out other complications of the disease.

In fact, in this early stage, when there may be just a thickening of the retina or presence of tiny blood clots due to diabetes, called CSME, even in the presence of normal 6/6 vision, laser treatment benefits the patient the most. If diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed at a later stage, it progresses to severe stage with abundance of hemorrhages, exudates and fluids and formation of new blood vessels, ultimately leading to complete blindness due to total bleeding inside the eye, which requires major eye surgery to retrieve a little bit of vision that could have been almost 100 percent in earlier stages.

Uncontrolled diabetes and diet, blood pressure, excess weight and cigarette smoking are not good associations. It is absolutely necessary to get your eyes tested when your treatment is shifted from oral drugs to insulin because the latter can cause start/worsening of diabetic changes in the retina, and that too at a fast speed. Diabetic retinopathy in pregnancy should be carefully monitored. Cataract surgery can worsen the retinal condition and get it checked immediately after the surgery. Diabetes can also cause fast maturation of cataract.

What is Diabetes?


Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism the way our bodies use digested food for growth and energy. Most of the food we eat is broken down into glucose, the form of sugar in the blood.

Glucose is the main source of fuel for the body. Diabetes causes glucose to back up in the bloodstream. As more and more glucose remains in the bloodstream blood glucose or blood sugar levels can rise too high.

There are two major types of diabetes. Consider the following information as it relates to both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

In type 1 diabetes (also called juvenile-onset diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes), the body completely stops producing any insulin. Insulin is a hormone that enables the body to use glucose to produce energy. Sufferers of type 1 diabetes must take daily insulin injections in order to survive.

Type 1 diabetes usually develops in children or young adults; however, it can occur at any age.

Type 2 diabetes (also called adult-onset diabetes or non insulin-dependent diabetes) results when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin and/or is unable to use insulin properly .

Type 2 diabetes happens when your body either cannot produce enough insulin or does not use the insulin it makes properly.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Many of the foods we eat such as bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and fruit are converted into sugar and give us the energy we need to maintain life. Insulin gets the sugar into the cells.

Diabetes is a life-long condition. High blood glucose levels over a long period of time can cause blindness, heart disease, kidney problems, and amputations.

Good diabetes care and management can prevent or delay the onset of these complications.

To manage your diabetes well, it is very important that you:

- Don’t smoke
- Keep your blood glucose levels in your target range
- Keep your cholesterol and other blood fats in your target range
- Keep your weight in a healthy range
- Keep your blood pressure close to target level
- Take your medication as prescribed

Understanding Diabetes


To manage diabetes, it helps to understand how it affects your body. In healthy people, the body turns food into glucose (blood sugar) to use for energy. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, is the hormone responsible for shuttling glucose into the body's cells where it is either used right away or stored for later use. With diabetes, however, high levels of glucose build up in the blood because either the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin or the body can't use the insulin it produces. Your treatment will depend on which problem you have.

Diabetes is broken down into three categories: type 1 or type 2 or gestational.

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body's immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, usually leading to a total halt in insulin production. Insulin shots or the use an insulin pump to keep the blood glucose within normal range is a daily activity. Insulin - stimulates the entry of glucose into fat cells. Glucose is a simple sugar that normally enters the cells of liver, fat and muscle to be stored or converted into energy. Because insulin is one of the "major" hormones, it's also impossible for your body to balance its "minor" hormones until your insulin metabolism is balanced first. Without insulin, blood glucose rises to dangerously high levels, if not treated it can lead to a coma or death. Type 1 most often occurs in children or young adults. Type 1 diabetes is usually referred to as insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes. Type 1 diabetes often appears suddenly. Knowing the symptoms of diabetes can help you determine what steps to take. Here are some of the symptoms:

  • High levels of sugar in the blood
  • High levels of sugar in the urine
  • Frequent urination
  • Extreme hunger
  • Extreme thirst
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Moodiness and irritability
  • Nausea and vomiting

In type 2, the pancreas produces some insulin, but the body in unable to use it properly. This leads to high levels of glucose in the blood. Because people with type 2 diabetes are often overweight, treatment usually includes weight loss. Until recently, type 2 diabetes was called non-insulin dependent or adult-onset diabetes. Often, type 2 diabetes develops slowly, and symptoms are mild:

  • Increased thirst
  • More frequent urination
  • Edginess, fatigue, and nausea
  • Increased appetite accompanied by weight loss
  • Repeated or hard-to-heal infections (for example, skin, gum, vaginal, or bladder)
  • Blurred vision
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
  • Dry, itchy skin

Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy when blood glucose levels rise above average. After delivery, blood glucose usually returns to normal, though women who have gestational diabetes are at greater risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes, if left uncontrolled can lead to high blood pressure or a large baby. Most pregnant women are routinely tested for the condition. If you test positive, your doctor and registered dietitian will work closely with you to keep your blood glucose under control.

For anyone with diabetes, it is encouraging to know that the future gets brighter every day for managing the disease. Ongoing research provides people with the most up-to-date information and successful treatment plans possible. Diabetes information along with good diabetes management will help your body to function closer to normal.

To help you feel confident in managing diabetes, you can obtain additional information on what it is, who is at risk, how it's diagnosed, and how it's treated. You can also get information on eating well with diabetes. You can learn the role of food in managing your blood sugar levels. You'll also get the latest nutrition advice; tips for shopping, cooking, and eating out; and the basics of building a meal plan using food exchange tips from the American Diabetes Association and The American Dietetic Association.

Protein Principles for Diabetes


Dietary considerations can present a Hobson’s choice in diabetes. Even when the intake is nutritious, assimilating it can be another matter. Then there is the problem of progression of diabetic complications if one ends up with excess glucose or fat in the system. Excess carbohydrates in a meal, and the resulting uncontrolled blood sugar levels can be detrimental to any number of tissues, from the lens of the eye, to the neurons, small blood vessels and the kidneys. Fat is also a problem with increase incidences of atherosclerosis, large vessel disease and cardiac complications. What, then is the appropriate macronutrient for the diabetic population? Enough medical literature exists to suggest that in diabetes, proteins are probably the best bet.

Proteins are the natural choice of the body when faced with diabetes. In uncontrolled diabetes, muscle protein is broken down into amino acids to be converted into glucose by the liver. If left to fend for itself, this can create a commotion within the body. Since proteins have to supply enough energy to substitute for carbohydrates, proteins are broken down faster than they are made. The body ends up with a protein deficit, a situation with subtle, yet far-reaching effects on normal body functions. Importantly, for diabetics, a protein deficit has been shown to impair resistance to infections (Ganong WF). Replenishing the depleting protein stores is a vital requirement of all diabetic diets.

Importance of proteins in a diabetic has been well documented. The American Associations of Clinical Endocrinologists have made it clear that not much evidence exists to indicate that the patients with diabetes need to reduce their intake of dietary proteins. The AACE recommends that 10-20% of the calorie intake in diabetes should come from proteins (AACE Diabetes Guidelines). It is in fact believed that this is one nutrient that does not increase blood glucose levels in both diabetics and healthy subjects (Gannon et al).

Nutrition therapy for diabetes has progressed from prevention of obesity or weight gain to improving insulin’s effectiveness and contributing to improved metabolic control (Franz MJ). In this new role, a high protein diet (30% of total food energy) forms a very pertinent part of nutrition therapy. One of the most important causes for type II diabetes is obesity. Excess body fat raises insulin resistance and higher levels of insulin are required to bring down blood sugars as the weight increases (Ganong WF). Another problem with excess fat is the clogging of arteries with atherosclerotic plaques that is responsible for a wide range of diabetic complications. Any mechanism that reduces body fat decreases insulin resistance and improves blood glucose control. Parker et al have also shown that a high protein diet decreased abdominal and total fat mass in women with type II diabetes. Other studies by Gannon et al. and Nuttall et al have verified that blood glucose levels and glycosylated hemoglobin (a marker of long term diabetic control) reduce after 5 weeks on a diet containing 30% of the total food energy in the form of proteins and low carbohydrate content. It is speculated that a high protein diet has a favorable effect in diabetes due to the ability of proteins and amino acids to stimulate insulin release from the pancreas. Thus, a high protein diet is not only safe in diabetes, but can also be therapeutic, resulting in improved glycemic control, and decreased risk of complications related to diabetes.

The benefits of a high protein diet do not end here. Individual protein components of such a diet, when aptly chosen, can have other advantages as well. Dietary supplements containing proteins like whey and casein come highly recommended. Casein is a milk protein and has the ability to form a gel or clot in the stomach. The ability to form this clot makes it very efficient in nutrient supply. The clot is able to provide a sustained, slow release of amino acids into the blood stream, sometimes lasting for several hours (Boirie et al. 1997). A slow sustained release of nutrients matches well with the limited amount of insulin that can be produced by the pancreas in diabetes. A protein supplement containing casein can thus increase the amount of energy assimilated from every meal and, at the same time, reduce the need for pharmacological interventions to control blood sugar.

Whey proteins and caseins also contain “casokinins” and “lactokinins’, (FitzGerald) which have been found to decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive humans (Seppo). In addition, whey protein forms bioactive amine in the gut that promotes immunity. Whey protein contains an ample supply of the amino acid cysteine. Cysteine appears to enhance glutathione levels, which has been shown to have strong antioxidant properties -- antioxidants mop up free radicals that induce cell death and play a role in aging.

Thus, development of a protein supplement containing casein and whey can provide an apt high protein diet and its health benefits to individuals suffering from diabetes, obesity and hypercholesterolemia.

Diabetes & The Foot


People with Diabetes are at high risk from various health problems such as:

  • Heart Disease
  • Strokes
  • Eye Disease - Possible Blindness
  • Nerve Damage - Neuropathy
  • Amputation of foot or leg
  • Kidney Problems
  • Gum Disease
  • Loss of teeth

Another health problem associated with diabetes involves the feet, as Diabetes is one of the major causes for lower limb amputation in the year 2004.

Amputation is obviously the last resort concerning problems of the feet, but it is surprising how a small cut or abrasion can lead to such dramatic results in diabetic patients.

Why is the Foot at Risk?

Persistent high blood glucose levels can eventually damage the body's nerves, causing a loss of sensation (neuropathy). Nerve damage can also cause pain in the legs, arms and hands creating problems in people's everyday lives. Your GP or Podiatrist should check your feet on a yearly basis, which should include a sensory exam to check for loss of feeling.

Small cuts or abrasions on the neuropathic foot can go unnoticed if daily foot checks are not performed. The cut can easily become infected, which in turn leads to an infected ulceration and could eventually result in the loss of the lower limb. Therefore the importance of daily foot checks, foot care & Diabetes in general cannot be underestimated.

High Risk Factors Leading to Diabetic Foot Ulcers

A small percentage of diabetic patients develop foot ulcerations, some of which may lead on to amputation. The foot is at a higher risk of ulceration if the individual suffers from conditions such as vascular disease or neuropathy. However there are many other factors that can increase risk of ulcers such as: -

  • Cold feet or absent foot pulses
  • History of Foot Problems
  • Foot Deformities
  • Limited mobility
  • Poor circulation
  • Inappropriate shoes
  • Uncontrolled blood sugar levels

A painless abrasion or corn can steadily progress to a distressing foot ulcer, and if left untreated skin deterioration may occur.

Can A Cyst Become Cancerous?


Can a cyst become cancerous? Now, here’s the big question.

That’s again the cancer fear that all women have. The answer, I’d say is no. This has been looked at pretty, pretty extensively. There was a rather large study I think it was in Sweden. They looked at something like 90,000 - they’ve got a very sophisticated system of registry in Sweden where they can look at data. And something like ninety thousand women were paired with 90,000 normal ones and the various kinds of cysts, endometriomas, the functional cyst, the non-functional cyst. And they said “Well what’s the likelihood any of these women come back for ovary cancer”? And there was no difference. If you had an ovary cyst that was benign you had no increased incidence of having cancer later. The only difference in this was endometrioma which had a slight increase difference. And possibly the reason for that is something to do with estrogen sensitivity around the ovary. But again it’s, it was somewhat more common but it’s nothing to say “My gosh, I’ve got endometrioma, by now! I’ve got to have cancer”. That should be the farthest thing from a persons mind. So I’d say without question your –

The fact that one has a cyst it is not going to develop to, you do not have an increased cancer risk. Now certainly the cystadinomas it’s felt that some of these, these are the benign tumors. Can these cystadinomas develop into cystoadnocarsonoma? The answer is, yes probably. But, once you’ve removed it, the cystadinoma, as well as removing the dermoid cyst, which are very rarely cancer you’ve eliminated that risk. If a woman is going to have a cancerous cyst it’s going to be there from a cancerous cyst per say. She most likely is over the age of fifty and their, in general the reproductive years do not have, a woman does not have to be concerned that a cyst is going to transgress, develop into a cancer.

There was something else I wanted to mention. I’m sure we’ve got several questions, yet I do want to go through these. I think that’s pretty much my overview on cysts and the various diagnoses of cysts, the types of cysts. The treatment we can summarize that at the end.

What happens when a cyst is likely to rupture?

This is probably the number one life threatening complication that New York OB/GYN Christopher Freville has to deal with on an almost basis. A cyst can rupture be it a, most likely it’s a follicular cyst or a corpus luteum cyst. These are the so-called functional cysts, or the functional cyst with pregnancy. When they rupture generally nothing happens. In fact, there’s usually a pressure relief.

Because any distended cyst is often what gives, as a cyst's nerves are increased by the distension, by the fluid, that’s often what causes the pain. The relief of the pain comes whenever it ruptures. Often like, unfortunately a ruptured appendix. Sometimes when a patient feels an appendix ballooning up and brings him to the doctors the fact that the appendix becomes distended. Immediately after that there’s a rupture and they don’t feel the pain. Unfortunately what causes the problems with ruptured cysts is if the cyst has a very rich blood supply and that blood supply, the arteries start pumping blood and don’t seal off and the abdomen can fill up with blood. And I’ve dealt with many cases both as an ectopic pregnancy, but the conditions usually much worse, but also, as a, rarely as a ruptured cyst that’s bleeding off a cystic pregnancy. And often times the abdomen can literally become distended. In a severe case woman can go into shock meaning their blood pressure falls out, it’s an emergency, life threatening situation that if undiagnosed can be fatal. Fortunately, with emergency rooms being equipped the way they are, doctors being as smart as we are - we rarely miss this. But once in a great while this is a complication. And when the cyst ruptures it doesn’t, you can usually preserve the ovary. Usually it can be sutured over, quarterized. The ovary stays in tact and even in a rare case if it had to be removed, again that does not affect fertility.

A Metaphysical Perspective on Breast Cancer


We all see the Susan G. Kolman pink ribbons for breast cancer awareness. I would like to address breast cancer from the metaphysical perspective. Breasts are directly linked to nurturing -as is the color pink. Breasts also represent mothering, whether of our children, our family, our spouse or the world in general. Issues with the breasts, whether experienced by a man or a woman, indicate insecurity about our ability to provide for others or protect them.

Both my mother and her mother learned from breast cancer. They both experienced cancer in the right breast; which I will explain in a moment. Breast disorders can also occur when you tend to ask too much of yourself and then feel that you cannot deliver to everyone’s satisfaction. According to Lisa Bourbeau in her book “Your Body is Telling You Love Yourself!” “If you are right handed, the right breast is linked to your partner, your family or those close to you. Your left breast is linked more closely with your child, your inner child. If your left hand is dominant the opposite is true.

In my experiences, I have found that the left breast can indicate issues to do with care giving, nurturing, motherly type feelings. The left side of the body is the feminine side, and also addresses receiving. When lessons in cancer develop on the left side first, then it is time to examine attitudes that deal with those areas in your life.

I find that many women, including my mother and grandmother, develop lessons in their right breasts after a period of stress created by care giving. When I speak, I often explain that cancer is based on deep issues of guilt or resentment; much anger is accumulated within those cells. In the case of breast cancer I have discovered that the high ration among caregivers is neither due to resenting the care giving nor resenting those you are caring for. Cancer is linked to the guilt one places on self due to the RELIEF felt after the death, however brief there is still a sense of relief when one we love transitions. I receive many reactions to this perception, but through many years of spiritual counseling as well at my own experiences I believe in the importance to recognize and release this understandable human reaction.

The right also represents how we present our self to the world (masculine or “man’s world” issues. When a male spouse transitions, we assume the role of being in charge, hence the relationship with masculine energies. Right is also about releasing and issues of letting go, so that is to be examined as well.

Understanding that the breast is about nurturing and nourishment, I look at issues of mother initially regardless of which side issues such as cysts or tumors manifest. There is a direct correlation with the way you were mothered and issues developed in the breasts (this is true for me or for women). Rather than pushing yourself in order to “forget about it”or on the other end of the spectrum lamenting about what you are going through, stop and objectively begin to realize that you weren’t put on this earth to protect and feed everyone you love! It is about caring and loving self first. I equate this to the oxygen mask on the airplane, you must assist yourself first in order to be of help to anyone else.

If others ask you for help and it is within your power to help, don’t hesitate. But do it with love, joy and pleasure. Not out of a sense of obligation or with resentment. If helping at a given time is beyond your limitations in any way or you just don’t want to do it, admit it both to yourself and to them and allow yourself to step back. It is OK to say “no”.

I often tell clients, and practice this myself, the only way to gain control of your life is to let go! Your maternal love and basic nurturing will always be there to sustain those you love without your feeling obliged to be actively (s)mothering them.

Spontaneous Healing of Cancer


Everyone has the ability to heal. This is built into our physical, emotional, and spiritual natures as human beings. Cancer cells manifest a dysfunction where the only goal is to multiply, unaware that they’re bringing about their own destruction by destroying the organism of which they are a part.

In medical terminology, spontaneous healing of cancer refers to exceptional and unexplained partial or complete disappearance of cancer without medical intervention. Healing is as integral to life as is injury. There is nothing exceptional about a cancer cell reverting to a "normal" non-cancerous behavior. None of us would have been alive if it didn't occur. We all have cancer cells in our body, which get eliminated by a healthy immune system.

Spontaneous healing of cancer is Nature's expression of her willingness to yield its secrets of cancer healing—of how a cancer cell can change its dynamics back to a state of health. It offers a solid base of hope—both for the patient who suffers from cancer and for his physician. It is not an uncommon occurrence. Even if it happened only once, it still firmly establishes the possibility. Spontaneous healing of cancer also opens the door to all non-drug, restorative therapies that are known to facilitate the healing response in the human body.

How rare are spontaneous remissions when defined as tumor regression without chemotherapy? The answer depends on who you ask. Physicians who specialize in non-drug, natural cancer therapies will cite a very large number of cases to support their view that cancer remission without chemotherapy or radiotherapy is not uncommon. Most oncologists will dismiss such claims as blatant lies.

Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography lists 1,051 case reports published in peer-reviewed medical literature. Spontaneous healing of cancer is not at all an uncommon event in the experience of pathologists, yet it's a rare pathologist who prepares a formal report for publication of such cases.

Patients whose advanced cancers spontaneously heal challenge the deepest beliefs of most oncologists and radiotherapists. Usually the cancer medical staff dismiss the subject as insignificant and irrelevant to their work. Many patients refuse chemotherapy recommended by oncologists, and months or years later they return to tell of their success with non-drug therapies.

What is spontaneous healing of cancer? It’s a war against cancer that the body's own dynamics, antioxidant defenses and DNA repair enzyme systems wins—it's that simple! Spontaneous healing gives clues to what therapies we might choose to facilitate the healing processes that normally control cancer- and coaxes the errant cells back to a healthful mode. This is the core principle of non-drug therapies for cancer management.

Everyone knows or has heard of people who were expected to die of cancer in several months or a few years but who defied their medical prognostic and underwent spontaneous remission. I know of hundreds of patients who had limited cancers that could be surgically removed, and so had little reason to die of the tumor. Yet, they succumbed quickly. I also know of many patients who lived for decades with cancers that had been originally pronounced terminal. What can one make of such cases?

When you think and feel the thought “I’m happy”, a chemical messenger translates the emotion into a bit of matter precisely attuned to your desire, so that every cell in your body jumps to attention like a good soldier, learns of the happiness and joins in. You have the ability to shift your body from one extreme emotion to the other, and that way affect your physiology.

This is the access to another world that you carry inside you, but is difficult to reach except with the techniques of meditation or hypnotherapy. The body is an image projected by the mind, and in a state of health, the mind keeps this image intact and balanced. However, injury and pain can cause us to withdraw our attention from the affected spot. In that case, the body image starts to deteriorate, its energy patterns energy patterns become impaired, unhealthy. So a healer restores the correct pattern – this is done instantly, on the spot – after which the patient’s own mind takes responsibility for maintaining it that way. Visit http://www.cancer-free-for-life.com/ for more information on healing of cancer.

The mind controls the body in uncontrollable ways. You can’t usually stop your heart, or lower your body temperature. Some extremely rare human beings, such as yogis in Tibet, can actually do so in scientific tests. Yet, these are functions regulated by the brain. Consider the reaction to fear: your heartbeat is elevated, you breathe faster. But how does it happen? In your brain, you make a connection between a particular situation and a sense of impending danger to your body. Where does that connection occur but in the brain!

It’s extremely difficult for the Western mind to let go of the stream of consciousness. Meditation is a process where one has to sink up or down, transcending beyond the ordinariness of our everyday thoughts. The results are inconsistent due to the lack of knowledge that our thought processes can vary, from deep to shallow, with completely different results. For healing to occur, it’s necessary to go deep, to contact the hidden blueprint of intelligence to rearrange it, reorganize it. People thoughts’ powers are too weak, and their belief in the effectiveness of the method too superficial.

What Is Lung Cancer And Who Can Get It?


Abnormal cell growth in either one or both of the lungs is the simple answer to the question, “What is lung cancer?” In healthy individuals, the cells within the lungs go about their business duplicating at a normal rate and turning into more and more lung tissues. The lungs continue to function properly and all is well.

But in damaged lungs, this rate of cell duplication becomes uncharacteristically fast yet new lung tissue fails to develop. These damaged (cancerous) cells begin to clump together and ultimately turn into cancerous tumors. Eventually, the tumors begin to interfere with the impacted lung’s ability to function normally and that is when the full impact of the disease known as lung cancer begins to be noticed.

Interestingly, although it usually takes many years for lung cancer to develop, the cells begin to take on abnormal characteristics almost immediately upon being exposed to cigarette smoke or the other environmental contaminants that can cause trouble in the lungs such as radon, asbestos, coal, air pollution, and even second-hand smoke.

Lung cancer can strike anyone regardless of gender, age or race. Even though it is more likely to strike those who are or who have been a smoker, lung cancer can develop in those who have never taken up this habit. Lung cancer in non-smokers is very rare, occurring in only about 10% of the cases, meaning that in almost 90% of the lung cancer cases, cigarette smoking is the instigator. Why is that so?

The primary purpose of the lungs is to breathe in air. The lungs remove the oxygen from this air and push it out into the blood where it can travel around the body as needed. Because the air we breathe is not always pure – it’s filled with dust, dirt, and other types of pollutants – the upper part of the lung system was designed to clean it before allowing it to enter deeper into the lungs. In the case of smokers, the carcinogens in cigarette smoke can break down the lung’s cleansing capabilities and as a result, dirty air and the contaminants within cigarette smoke continue to freely enter into the lungs. It is the absence of this cleansing capability that ultimately causes the cells inside the lungs to function abnormally.

Besides being the #1 cause of cancer death in the United States, lung cancer is unfortunately so far a disease that has no cure. In fact, by the time lung cancer is discovered, few people will survive the first year after diagnosis.

Small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer are the two types of lung cancer that can develop. Eighty percent of the lung cancer cases are the slower-moving non-small cell type. The problem with this type of lung cancer is that it often spreads to other parts of the body. Sophisticated lung scans are generally the way most tumors are detected, but unfortunately, such scans are not part of routine medical care. That’s probably why most lung cancer goes undiagnosed for so long.

Mesothelioma - An Asbestos Related Lung Cancer


What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer located in the lining of either the lungs, abdomen or the heart. These linings are thin layers of tissue covering the organ.

The pleura is the tissue covering the lungs and the wall of the chest cavity which cushions and protects the lungs. The peritoneum lines the abdominal wall and surrounds most of the organs in the abdomen. The pericardium is the tissue surrounding the heart.

Mesothelioma is a rare but very serious cancer. There are three types of mesothelioma based on the types of cancerous cells. The most common type is epithelioid and consists of 50-70% of total cases and has the best prognosis. The second type is called sarcomatoid, consists of 10-20 % of mesothelioma cases and is more unpredictable in nature. The third type of mesothelioma is called biphasic, it is a combination of the other two types and consists of 20-35% of all cases.

There are an estimated 2000-3000 new cases of mesothelioma in the United States every year. The majority of these cases begin in the chest wall (pleural mesothelioma), a few start in the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma) and very rare are the cases starting in the lining surrounding the heart (pericardial mesothelioma).

The pleura is a thin lining of mesothelial cells. There are two pleuras in the chest, the parietal pleura and the visceral pleura. The parietal pleura lines the chest wall including the inside of the ribs, diaphragm and pericardium. The visceral pleura covers the lungs and filters fluid to and from the chest. If the pleura becomes diseases it is not effective at eliminating fluid from the chest resulting in pleural effusion or too much fluid in the chest.

Mesothelioma is usually the result of exposure to asbestos. Most people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma have had jobs where they breathed asbestos fibers. It may take up to 60 years from the time of asbestos exposure until mesothelioma develops.

Although rare, mesothelioma is a serious form of cancer which is often in its advanced stage when a diagnosis is made. In general, prognosis for mesothelioma patient is poor, however, some patients live with the disease for a long time. As mentioned earlier, the type of mesothelioma has an impact on the prognosis, as well as, the age of the patient, how much tumor has developed and if treatment is rendered. There are many variables in evaluating a mesothelioma case, so only the patients doctor can determine the best treatment and possible prognosis on an individual basis.

Vitamin B is no small time player in the high stakes game of the beauty. Just take the case of pellagra for example. Pellagra is a life threatening skin disease characterized by dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis that results from a niacin (B vitamin) deficiency. In the early 20th century in the United States pellagra plagued thousands of people in the South and Midwest. The condition was thought to be contagious until investigators discovered the underlying nutritional deficiency.

Even today, the importance of vitamin B is cultivating new roles in the world of beauty. Dermatologist Leslie Baumann, MD forecasts topical vitamin B and its multiple derivatives as key ingredients in future anti-aging products. For example, one derivative of the B vitamin niacin, nicotinamide, has been shown to improve the ability of the epidermis, the upper-most layer of the skin, to retain moisture. One study reports that topical nicotinamide, when applied to the skin for six days reveals softer, smoother skin with less dryness and flakiness, and a reduction of fine lines. Even more promising is its anti-cancer influences. For instance, when applied to mouse skin, topical nicotinamide produced a 70 percent decrease in ultraviolet-induced skin cancer.

Niacinamide, another byproduct of vitamin B, serves as an effective skin-lightening agent. In one clinical investigation, patients with hyperpigmentation applied a moisturizer containing five percent niacinamide. Four weeks later, computer analysis of the hyperpigmentation and skin color revealed a decrease in hyperpigmentation along with an increase in skin lightness. Topical niacinamide also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a potential treatment for acne, rosacea and any blistering-type disease.

Dermatologist Zoe Diana Draelos, MD, clinical associate professor of dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, N.C. is confident that praise for the therapeutic effects of niacinamide will continue to rise. Dr. Draelos hails, "Already, topical 4% niacinamide has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of papular and pustular acne in a 4% gel, as well as the improvement of skin cancer and its anti-tumor characteristics".

Dr. Baumann cautions that the many versions of one vitamin can be confusing and recommends speaking with your dermatologist to ensure you are selecting the right vitamin product for your skin care needs.

While it’s comforting to place a host of cosmetic aspirations in the latest beauty craze, Mother Nature’s wisdom will never lead you astray. If you can’t wait to get the benefits of B vitamins in your beauty cream, just go to your local market and help yourself to some chicken, tuna, potatoes, spinach, asparagus, black beans and watermelon. These are just of few of the foods providing bountiful servings of vitamin B. Remember, these scores of medical insights and promises started with a nutritional deficiency.

Radon Gas in Homes and Lung Cancer


Unsuspecting homeowners may not realize the full risks associated with Radon gas in their homes. Increasing evidence suggests that Radon gas is the most underestimated cause of Lung Cancer. Radon gas can occur anywhere, however some areas of the United States are known to have abnormally high levels of this potentially deadly gas. Though Radon gas can be found in every state, the highest concentration levels are in the Northeast and the upper Midwest of the United States.
If Radon gas can be dissipated from homes and into the atmosphere it is relatively harmless. However, when Radon enters homes and stays trapped, which can frequently happen with today’s more tightly sealed homes; the gas can become a health problem.
The Radon gas typically enters a home from a basement. If the basement is not adequately vented to the outside atmosphere the gas can build up to high levels within the home.
There are differing opinions about the minimum safe levels, however the evidence continues to grow that Radon may be the most underestimated cause of lung cancer. Radon gas may be particularly more dangerous to children, smokers and those who spend much of their time indoors.
When purchasing a new home, make sure a Home Inspection is performed and that the Home Inspector checks for Radon levels. The cost for a Radon test is minimal and well worth it. If high levels of Radon gas are detected proper ventilation systems should be added to the home. The costs of such ventilation systems are again quite reasonable.